Why Engage A Syariah Lawyer During A Divorce?

Most would try to be amicable and save their marriage, especially if they have children. It is always important to consider the impact on the children first and put the children’s best interests at heart. Who knows? Maybe the marriage can be saved after all.

However, no matter how patient a person can be, there is a limit to one’s patience and sooner or later, their patience will run out. So, where do you go? How do you proceed? Do you need to care about other people’s perceptions of you or your next course of action?

Child Custody After Divorce Proceedings

Divorce is the end of the marital journey. It is something that needs to be discussed because divorce impacts not only the husband and wife but the children and extended family as well.

Generally, it is not encouraged to split siblings between parties during a divorce. This is especially so when the children share a close bond. However, if parties agree on doing so and if there are no other factors affecting the welfare of the children, which requires the Court to decide otherwise, then it is possible to do this.