My Security Deposit Has Been Withheld – What Should I Do?

Renting a property can oftentimes be an expensive and tedious endeavour. Depending on the property and rent, landlords may request for a security deposit of one to two months to be placed with the landlord at the beginning of the lease.
When Should You Claim for Trial?

The question of “when should the accused claim for trial” and “when the accused should consider not to plead guilty” are essentially one of the same.
Should I Write A Will?

A will is a legal document setting your intentions in relation to the distribution of your property and the care of your minor children when you pass away. If you do not have a valid will, your intentions may not be followed as your Estate will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act. As you have acquired assets over the course of your life, you should have some say in how your assets are distributed rather than let your assets be distributed according to the intestate succession act.
What Does It Mean to Plead Guilty

When the Public Prosecutor charges an accused, a notice will be issued to the accused to attend Court for Criminal Mention. The accused are required to attend the first mention at the Criminal Mention Court, wherein the charge(s) will be read and explained to the accused. The accused will then be given the option to either admit to the charge(s) or to deny the charge(s) read before him.

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows a donor, who is a person of at least 21 years of age and who has the mental capacity to voluntarily appoint one or more persons (donees) to make decisions and act on his behalf for either personal welfare or property and affairs matters when the donor lacks the mental capacity to do.
Enforcement Proceedings: Committal Proceeding
At the end of a court proceeding, the Judge sitting for the matter will set out his / her findings and the rights and obligations of the parties thereafter. If the claimant succeeds in their application, the Judge may, therefore, grant the relief sought by the claimant. Such relief may include an order prohibiting or directing the losing party to take a certain action or to abstain from taking a certain action.
Enforcement Proceedings: Winding Up

What can you do if you have obtained a Judgment against a company debtor who owes you and cannot (or do not want to) repay the debts owed to you of at least $10,000.00?
One of the options available to you as a creditor is to apply to wind up the company debtor to enforce the Judgment against the company debtor.
Deductions to Security Deposit

A security deposit refers to the sum of money typically provided by a tenant to a landlord when renting property or entering into a tenancy agreement. Typically, most residential tenancies in Singapore require deposits that are the total of 1-2 months’ rent, but may be negotiable depending on the individual landlord.
Employment Claim Process in Singapore

There are different recourse available to those who face employment disputes in Singapore. Find out more in our article here.
Why You Should Choose An Uncontested Divorce in Singapore

It may be regrettable, but sometimes, a divorce is necessary for the good of all parties. However, divorce application processes can be tedious, and may cost more than you think.