Divorce Strategy In Singapore

Unsurprisingly, divorce can be a challenging process. Apart from the difficulty in deciding to have a divorce, the divorce, especially a contested one, is a substantial emotional, physical and financial strain.

A quick guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation

Mediation is a typical ADR process which involves the parties in a dispute heard before a neutral third party, such as a mediator, who shall guide and expedite negotiations between parties to, hopefully, reach an agreement to settle the dispute. A significant role of the mediator is that he or she will not force any of the parties to come to an agreement; this agreement shall be a voluntary one. Parties are also actively encouraged, before trial, to attempt in a session of mediation, although parties cannot and will not be forced to do so by the Courts.

Muslim wills vs regular wills, what is the difference?

A Will is an essential legal instrument which deals with properties that have monetary value and most importantly, sentimental attachment by the testator and the family members. There are few differences between a Muslim and non-Muslim Wills. It is essential to know the difference to avoid your Will to be deemed invalid should you decide […]


WHO CAN MAKE A WILL The wills act provides that persons who are at least 21 years old can make a will. The exception to this are soldiers and mariners who are under the age of 21.   VALIDITY OF A WILL A will is valid if it has the following: –   Signature on […]

Gifts From Soon-to-be Ex-Spouse, What happens?

Employment In Singapore

During the lifetime of any marriage, it is very common for gifts to be given between spouses. However, during a divorce or the onset of a divorce, some typical questions include “will the gifts given by my spouse be subjected to laws on the division of matrimonial assets?”, or “do I get to keep the gifts my spouse gave me during the marriage?”.

Statutory Constructive Dismissal in Singapore

Employment In Singapore

Workplace discrimination can take many forms and is a painful experience. If you encounter such issues, it might result in being ostracised by superiors or having your salary and benefits unjustly withheld.

Annulment of Marriage in Singapore

Sometimes, for the good of everyone involved, a marriage must come to an end. In Singapore, to legally end a matrimonial union, there are two processes that are available. They are: (1) Annulment; (2) Divorce. This article will focus on how annulment functions in Singapore.

Why A Well Drafted Letter of Demand Can Get You Results

Debt Recovery

While a letter of demand can usually be drafted by anyone, a lawyer can assist to pinpoint the legal issues at hand and to provide clarity to the type of demand that are feasible and are due recoverable by the due process of the law. A letter of demand from lawyer can also demonstrate clearly that the sender of the letter of demand is serious and is willing to take legal action to resolve the matter.

Defences to Defamation In Singapore

Singapore Criminal Law

A person’s reputation is the currency by which he or she lives. Being the subject of malicious or untrue allegations is not pleasant, even more so over the internet where such allegations can spread like wildfire and cause irreparable damage to a person’s reputation. Therefore, it is vital to recognise what defamation is and how to protect yourself against it.