Employment Claim Process In Singapore
There are different recourse available to those who face employment disputes in Singapore. This article will be able to provide you with a brief guide on the various avenues at which you may be able to settle your dispute. It is worth taking note that a lawyer will be able to provide you with further insight on your matter and will also be able to guide you through the various process.
Restraint of Trade Clauses In Singapore
Restraint of trade clauses are common clauses which governs various commercial relationships. It is frequently deployed in employment contracts to restrain key employees of the company from competing with the company during and after the period of employment. Restraint of trade clauses are typically in the form of non-compete or non-solicitation clauses.
Ending Employment In Singapore
Both employer and employees have the right to contractually terminate their relationship, however, incidents have occurred wherein an employee feels that he has been wrongfully dismissed. In this article, we will discuss dismissals, the validity of dismissals and the options an employee has should such a situation arise.
Employment Contracts in Singapore
What is an Employment Contract?
An employment contract is in essence, an agreement of a contract of service between a company and its potential employee. This agreement can be made in writing or verbally. The terms of the agreement may also be express or implied. Both parties must enter into the contract voluntarily.
Unfair Dismissal In Singapore
Both employer and employees have the right to contractually terminate their relationship, however, incidents have occurred wherein an employee feels that he has been wrongfully dismissed. In this article, we will discuss dismissals, the validity of dismissals and the options an employee has should such a situation arise.
What Should I Do When My Landlord Does Not Return Your Security Deposit?
Seeking and securing a tenancy with a landlord is often thought to be a tedious and troublesome process. One may think that this process ends the moment one has moved into the rented property. Many a times, however, tenants find themselves encountering problems at the end of their tenancies, whereby landlords have been unscrupulous and unreasonably withheld their security deposits.
If you have and/or are concerned with the return of your security deposit, read on to find out what you could do.
Common Terms You Will Find In Tenancy Agreements In Singapore – What Do They Mean?
This article aims to provide an overall guide as to common terms and obligations imposed on landlords and tenants.
It ought to be noted that whilst landlords and tenants may contract as they wish, and negotiate on any term in the tenancy agreement, there are some common terms found in most tenancy agreements. These shall be explored and explained further below.
Peaceful Re-Entry in Singapore
In Singapore when a Tenant has defaulted on paying rent or has failed to complied with clauses in the tenancy agreement that are fundamental, it entitles the Landlord to terminate the tenancy agreement. When a tenancy agreement has been terminated Landlords are often found in a position where they would need to evict the tenants so that they can find new tenants for the property.
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Security Deposit In Singapore
What is a Security Deposit?
A security deposit is a one-time, refundable sum of money that a landlord would typically collect from a tenant to safeguard a landlord financially from damages to a rental or leaves unexpectedly without paying rent, whereby a landlord can then off-set from the said security deposit. This security deposit is then refunded to the tenants when the rental period expires
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As a Foreigner Is Your Landlord Withholding Your Security Deposit?
With the number of foreign expatriates working in Singapore, it is common to find most of them renting properties for periods between 6 months to 2 years, given that it is not economically sound for expatriates to purchase residential properties in Singapore.
Like all tenancies, a common dispute that arises is over the return of security deposit.